It’s that time of year again! As many of us are getting ready for our entertaining and parties and decorating our house for the upcoming festivities, our little fur balls seem to get into everything!
The following photos may be far too familiar for you if you have a Bengal at home!
1. The devilish look of the kitty waiting for the unsuspecting owner to turn his back for two seconds
2. Try to decorate your tree with paper ornaments that are safe if kitty decides to reach for the stars!
3. The Peek-a-boo Bengal. First you see me, now you don’t!
4. Who needs ornaments when your cats will be your decorations?
5. Look at me, mom, I’m climbing it – look how big I’m getting!
6. Thanks for the new chair, human! But where are you planning to put that big green thing with all those colourful toys and lights? 
Happy holidays from all of us at Ontario Bengals!